DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2023-3-9-36
The study is dedicated to visualization considered as a current trend, a phenomenon of contemporary education. It is known that visualization reflects the current visual turn and a new transformation of the educational sphere. A scientific study of the contemporary stage of visualization of education is important and topical because theorists have not yet fully comprehended all the processes and results of this trend, its “mirages” as something impressive, amazing, but illusory, and its “reality” as something real, but not always joyful and in line with expectations. We need to anticipate both the positive and negative educational effects of visualization during and after the bursts of the visual turn in education that is happening before our eyes. The effects are caused mainly by technical and technological breakthroughs, the state educational policy, which can be traced, for example, in the latest Education national project. The aim of the study is to identify and generalize the obvious (objective) and non-obvious (supposed) advantages, risks, disadvantages (negative influence) of visualization in the contemporary educational process. In accordance with the aim of the study, its objectives were formulated, aimed at clarifying the key terms that constitute the core of the terminological fields “visual turn” and “visualization of the contemporary educational process”; determining the current state of education visualization; comparing arguments and counterarguments in assessing the positive impact of visualization on the contemporary educational process; identifying and generalizing obvious (objective) and supposed advantages, as well as the negative impact of visualization (its risks and disadvantages) in the contemporary educational process; studying the possibilities of visualization for the individualization of the educational process and the development of students’ initiative. Research methods included an analysis of scientific literature on the research problem, reflection of our own educational activities and experience in the pedagogical design of educational resources, a study of the scientific and pedagogical experience of teachers, the method of binary positions, generalization and concretization. As a result of the study, we summarized the most common and objective arguments and counterarguments regarding the positive impact of visualization on the modern educational process, which reflect and confirm the lack of “transparency”, evidence and persuasiveness of the advantages of visualization. The authors compared the most obvious “mirages” and “reality” of visualization at the levels of subjects of the educational process (teachers and students) and visualization aids and techniques, which is the key scientific implication of the study. As expected, “mirages” are present at all levels under consideration, but to a greater extent they are manifested at the level of visualization aids and techniques. A significant potential of visualization is predicted for the individualization of the educational process, for the development of students’ initiatives.
Keywords: visualization in education, principle of visualization in education, visual turn, “mirages” of visualization in contemporary education, advantages of visualization in contemporary educational process, disadvantages of visualization in contemporary educational process
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 9 — 36
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