DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2022-4-142-165
The article contains materials of interdisciplinary scientific and design developments of the authors’ research team of two universities in Tomsk – Siberian State Medical University (SSMU) and Tomsk State Pedagogical University (TSPU) within the framework of the Transformation of Medical and Pharmaceutical Education strategic project from the Siberian State Medical University Development Program for 2021–2030 (Priority–2030). The data of an empirical study are presented, showing the relevance of such a change both at the level of management of universities implementing programs of higher medical education and at the level of updating of the agenda of scientific and pedagogical research in this field of education. The methods used in writing the article are: theoretical analysis, structural analysis, expert method, survey, focus group, and pedagogical design with modeling elements. The conception of the empirical study was based on three ideas. The first one was the statement of the need to make an “anthropological turn“ in the field of modern Russian pedagogical theories (Aleksandr Asmolov). Since it is bioethics that is implementing this “turn” in healthcare practice, the second idea was the semiotic diagnostics of sociocultural transformations, which established the identity of the spectrum of communicative formats doctor–patient and teacher–student (Irina Melik-Gaykazyan). This gave rise to the third idea – pedagogical bioethics (in the interpretation of Nina Pervushina) – the introduction of the pragmatics of training future doctors into the syntax of the curriculum of future teachers. Thus, the concept of our empirical research is similar to the ideological “boomerang“ of the semiotic essence of pedagogical bioethics – the design of changes in the semantics of training courses in the domestic system of higher medical education. The article aims to provide a reasonable idea of the directions, nature, and content of changes in Russia’s current system of higher medical education in relation to its pedagogical contexts. The reasons for the emergence of new semantic focal points determining the changes in the pedagogical features of the domestic system of higher medical education are discussed. As a source of enrichment of ideas about the meaning and the ways of transformation of pedagogical aspects of the future doctors training, the results of an analysis of Russian and international practices of medical education related to the identification of the repertoire of roles of a modern doctor are presented. New accents of teachers’ professional activity, related to adaptation to changes in education, in higher medical education in Russia are also pointed out. The actual contexts of changes in professional activity and in professional development of a lecturer in higher medical education as a source of enrichment for the modern agenda (new subject matter) of scientific and pedagogical research are indicated. The viewpoint of considering modern medical higher education in the pedagogical presentation of humanistic values, including aspects of pedagogical bioethics, is presented.
Keywords: setting for changes in medical education, values, pedagogical contexts of professional medical education, spectrum of role repertoire of doctor, teachers of higher medical education in Russia
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 142 — 165
Downloads: 548