DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2021-4-312-325
Currently, animation technologies have become the leading element of edutainment. Since edutainment is intended more for children’s education, the preference of this technology becomes clear. Entertaining and surprising forms have also found their application in adult education, in particular, in the creation of various resources for “digital” education. Such a spectrum of implementation of edutainment (from the education of children to the education of adults) poses the problem of determining the boundaries of the application of the visualization methods used. The diagnosis of these boundaries has a semiotic essence. Positions and methodological initiatives of pedagogical bioethics are relevant for the diagnosis of these boundaries. These positions and initiatives are dictated by the definition of the relationship between ethical, communicative, and value limits of various loci in the educational space. The limits are established in order to protect individual life orientations of subjects of training and education. The noted circumstances correspond to the directions of modernization in education: the development of modern children with their own view of the world, with their peculiarities of perception and assimilation of new experience, knowledge, and skills. The circumstances also meet the social needs of modern education: the formation of individuals with unique abilities, first of all, the ability for unique reception, acceptance, and interpretation. The development of these abilities and, consequently, the formation of the skills of playing different communicative roles and the independent choice of one’s role becomes a way of adaptation to the conditions of uncertainty in social scenarios, that is, to the conditions of the present and the predicted future, in which the life of a modern person takes place. As an element of edutainment, animation is a universal educational tool maximally adapted to broadcasting game interactive teaching methods. Animation is very important to improve the effectiveness of visual learning. In addition, it is rather difficult to choose a type of visual art that overlaps the thesauri of students, their legal representatives, future teachers, and teachers as much as animation does. The presented accents in the established resonances of edutainment and pedagogical bioethics made it possible to determine the conditions for the development of educational visualization technologies. These conditions are: (1) visualization serves only for clarification, but not for evidence; (2) competing theories should be at the core of development; (3) the design result embodies the consensus of theoretical competition.
Keywords: animated cartoon, animation, reception, acceptance, interpretation
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Rubric: ESSAYS
Pages: 312 — 325
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