DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2020-3-41-58
The article offers an authorial model for studying film construct based on cognitive-pragmatic programs. The cognitive-pragmatic program (CPP) theory synthesizes various approaches and has a wide range of applications. CPP is a conceptual matrix of meaningful activity and a support system of cognitive-pragmatic sets. This is a universal concept linking the cognitive mechanisms of an individual/collective/people with the pragmatics of cognitively conditioned behavior/action. CPPs, unlike abstract models, are found in the most diverse areas and spheres of human activity: they are not abstract schemes, but everyday (in the case of daily actions) or, on the contrary, “strategic” (for example, for a politician or artist) programming and self-programming, a vital reflection of goals, means, and results accompanied by self-identification. In terms of this theory the author considers the film construct as a specific synthetic (creolized) form of embodiment and transmission (translation) of one or several CPPs that have received the status of the foundation of subjective reality (i.e., they determine the consciousness, self-consciousness, and behavior of the characters of the film). The article substantiates the typology of film constructs according to the type of the dominant CPP built on the principle of an “inverted pyramid” (from an abstract conceptual-semantic “peak” to broad specifics). The system of precedent-personified political markers—a special system of conceptual codes of political discourse that has a precedent status in this discourse—is studied in detail. These markers are actively involved in the plot formation, in the differentiation and segmentation of the entire space of the CPP dominating in the film; they are sharp psychological indicators of the consciousness of the subjective environment of the film construct. The roles of specific markers differ, but they all characterize the aggressive and destructive internal nature of the dominant industrial CPP (Soviet ideological model), the genetic and “strategic” homogeneity of its options, which equally require manipulations with consciousness, a permanent fight against “enemies” and total terror. In general, the system of precedent-personified political markers in the space of the political (ideological) film construct is capable of embodying multi-layer semantics and can set its defining properties.
Keywords: cognitive-pragmatic program (CPP), political (ideological) film construct, political identification marker, precedent-personified marker, modeling, mythologization, total terror, viral-manipulative nature of CPP
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 41 — 58
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