DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2019-2-177-192
The paper deals with the results of research the everyday family practices in public urban environment. The work is based on the empirical research results (interviews, participant observation). The author uses an interdisciplinary approach, theoretically relying on the work of representatives the sociology of everyday life (I. Hoffman). Improvement of urban environment and consideration the needs of families with children come to the forefront in modern cities. The central part of the city is the most development in urban space, since the center of the city is its face. New city areas are equipped with safe and comfortable playgrounds for children and parents. While the old city areas that came from the Soviet past are poorly equipped and unsafe. The main object of our research is the playground in old city areas, as a place for communication of parents, children and other citizens. The author tried to understand: who are the modern visitors of children’s playgrounds in old city areas? W hy do they need public spaces of childhood? The paper concludes about the heterogeneity and non-obviousness of communities spending time at playgrounds, as well as its wide functional capabilities. This allows us to note the large social potential of children’s playgrounds as possible objects for constructing comfortable public spaces in the city.
Keywords: city, visual environment, public space, playgrounds, network interaction, childhood
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 177 — 192
Downloads: 839