DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2018-4-235-250
The paper discusses the role and functions of visual thinking within the context of modern education in physics and mathematics. Visual thinking is an intrinsic part of the thinking process of the work of specialists in the fields of exact and natural sciences. In connection with this, with the increase of environment visualization in the learning, professional and personal human activities, and with the growth of information flows and their impact on people, the modern role and possibilities of semiotic resources of mathematics and physics become of considerable relevance. The paper delineates the prospects of visual modeling with the help of mathematical and physical models, and of mental experiment in developing images, reflecting on them and subsequent operating them. On the basis of the analysis of Russian and foreign literature and arguments developed by the author, the paper substantiates the necessity of the development and extension of the theory of the semiotic component of education and its implementation. Semiotics expands the meaning of both theoretical and practical parts of mathematical and natural science education. The paper focuses on the analysis of the development of new approaches to the implementation of the semiotic component of modern education in teaching schoolchildren and in training teachers of mathematical and physical specializations. In teaching schoolchildren, the component is to be implemented by means of their inclusion into educational practices based on real situations appearing in professional activity of specialists working directly in the fields of mathematics, physics and in the spheres of their application. The approach to teachers’ training is based on visualizing their future professional activities in practical resolving problems within selected training situations. In connection with this, the author identified and substantiated the priority directions of the development of the semiotic component in physical and mathematical education. Dwelling on the concepts of visual thinking and on the provided grounding of the necessity of visual modeling in teaching schoolchildren and the relevant teachers’ training, the author identified and considered two basic processes in becoming a teacher (which are also the teacher’s professional activity functions): interiorization and modeling. The paper presents a variant of systematization of the semiotic component of the future physics and mathematics teachers’ competencies in their professional activities. The development of this semiotic component concerns such elements of competencies as knowledge, skills, values and attitudes, prevailing ways of performance. Mastering the competence of educational-professional information visualization by future teachers is to facilitate the increase of the quality of their training, to ensure their ability to perform educational activities in actualized regional practices, including innovative ones, and to design effective learning activities of their students in the visual space.
Keywords: visual thinking, semiotic resources, semiotic component of the teacher’s competency, teaching physics and mathematics, modeling, mental experiment
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 235 — 250
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