DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2018-4-186-201
Education is permanent and not always purposeful process in which the brain changes physically. It is important which information people get and how they do it. At the same time, the interrelation of cognitive and corporeal impacts of information invokes a bioethical aspect of the problem. Bioethics as a form of modern culture emphasizes the right of an individual to be what one wants, and the duty of society is to provide an individual with this opportunity. Currently, bioethics protects the individuality of a person in the medicine field but not in fostering and education. The specific characteristics of modern times make it necessary to use bioethics in the field of pedagogy. Firstly, visual presentation of information largely replaced the verbal one. Secondly, life itself became a product of technology, so it turned into an artefact. Thirdly, the pace of innovation reveals how frail intellectual traditions are. Fourthly, the innovations of convergent and biomedical technologies create new risks. And, finally, existence in the environment of new risks requires a new degree of responsibility for choice made by an individual. In this case, an individual must make both bodily and mental choices on a constant basis. Bioethics is placed at the intersection of some trends: it protects individuality from the arbitrariness of biomedical operations, assesses new risks, retains the moral positions of philosophical traditions for determining the permissible limits of intervention of the artificial into the natural. Since education deals with different personalities, different situations, a high-quality usage of visual teaching aids requires relying on cultural traditions of perception and individual characteristics of the perceiver. Effectiveness cannot always be achieved using only one point of view. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to use different approaches and methods. This allows speaking about the need to combine different approaches and designate limits of their applicability, and the very combination of different approaches makes sense since each of them is focused on a single aspect. The understanding of the scope of these aspects is fundamental, which is clearly demonstrated by the research model of an information-synergetic approach chosen by the authors. The research position presented in this work opens up opportunities to categorize theories of visual information perception, which is undoubtedly relevant for a methodological regulation of their application in pedagogical bioethics.
Keywords: pedagogical bioethics, bioethics, synergetic, perception of visual information, symbolism of bioethics, information-synergetic approach
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 186 — 201
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