DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2018-4-251-262
This paper reveals the ideas of diversification management, and analyzes the possibility of their implementation as a conceptual basis for the management of general education organizations. Evolutionary and globalization world processes determine one of the leading trends, which is reflected both in the labor market conditions and in the conditions of the educational services market, and is characterized by the diversification of the workforce and the diversification of consumer preferences. This trend, reflecting certain difficulties and advantages of the development of public relations, can be applied by heads of educational organizations to improve management effectiveness in the context of using the human potential of the subjects of the educational process and ensuring the competitiveness of the educational organization. Most often the studies on this issue discuss the categories of “diversity management”, “diversity management” and “diversification management”. Migration processes and inclusion processes actualize the search for new content, methods and technologies of the educational process within the framework of the federal state standards of general education, since there are various schools, including multinational groups of students, and, consequently, parents. This trend requires a search for managerial, social and pedagogical strategies for the successful development of the school and of education quality in the new conditions. Today, the skills of the head of a general education organization, related to the successful management of personnel of different age, gender, physical abilities, ethnicity and race, are more in demand than ever. These skills in school management are no less important for interaction with other subjects of the educational process: students and their parents. The quintessence of organizational behavior in a modern school is the management of the diversity of subjects of the educational process, which requires acceptance of individual and sociocultural characteristics, special attention to them, as well as manifestation of tolerance towards them. Today, heads of general education organizations are forced to seek not only ways to “coexist” for teachers and support staff, students and their parents of different religions, nationalities, age and sex, but also ways to manage effectively the “potential difference”. Implementation of this goal is facilitated by the concept of diversification management, which serves as a methodological basis for the search for effective management strategies in the current situation. The paper was prepared within the framework of the research “Formation and Development of the Pedagogical Metatheory of Diversity Management in Educational Systems”, state task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 27.2617.2017/4.6.
Keywords: general education organization, diversification management, competitiveness of organization, heterogeneous pedagogical staff
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 251 — 262
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