DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2018-3-27-42
The concept of “landscape” initially develops in geography, it reflects the physical space. Geographical descriptions clearly distinguish mountain peaks, ridges, marshes and plains, but neither the space nor the time of the landscape can be understood separately from social practices. In Modern times, the idea of landscape is associated with the aesthetic experience of landscape painting. The wider poetic and dramatic meaning of the landscape is emphasized in romanticism. In environmental movements, ethical disputes about human responsibility are added to this topic. Globalization reveals the importance of landscape in shaping people’s identity. The effect of the landscape is compared with the influence of ideology. Artifacts are represented by things, surrounded by words and visual events, they form the thingness, symbolic and figurative layers of the landscape. Palimpsest is a phenomenon in the history of writing, when new layers were written on top of the former. The urban landscape is a space of practices in which various artifacts play the roles of media, they give the products of activity an objective form, set the canvas of public space.
Keywords: artifact, cultural geography, landscape, mediation, technologies of objectification, gesture, symbol, image, media
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 27 — 42
Downloads: 1215