DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2018-2-86-109
The article examines the role of religious worship in the formation of sacral topography of the Catholic city. The leading role of religious worship in the traditional religious consciousness is typical for both Eastern and Western Christianity in the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages the topography of city was influenced by the space of religious worship.The article discusses the features of conception of the sacred in the Western Christian tradition, the specifics of the temple space, as well as the impact of these features on the urban tradition on the example of Medieval Europe. The analysis of the semiotic meaning of the cross shows that Western Christianity is characterized by an understanding of the sacred from the position of an external observer, while Eastern Christianity is characterized by existential experience of the sacred. Therefore, in Western Christianity not only Sacred is essential, but also its interpretation by man. This is due, for example, the use of sculpture in worship. The author reveals the features of the Western Christian urban planning tradition associated with the specifics of understanding the sacred and the peculiarities of the interaction between the sacred and the human in the urban space. Among these features is a specific and contradictory understanding of the city by medieval authors. The city is understood as an image of Heavenly Jerusalem, and as a place of sin and the fruit of human pride.Author analizes the features of the formation of center of medieval city on the example of Wrocław (Poland). A feature of many medieval cities is the gradual formation of two centers – the spiritual and secular, associated with the human component of urban life (town hall). The author studies the fate of the Catholic urban planning tradition and the specificity of its perception in modern Europe on the example of Wrocław. It is concluded that the specificity of the understanding of the sacred in Western Christianity generates spiritual problems in society associated with secularization, but at the same time provides stability and continuity of urban tradition.
Keywords: Catholicism, religious cult, sacred space, town-planning tradition, city, Romanesque style, Gothic, Medieval city, Poland, Wroclaw
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 86 — 109
Downloads: 1650