DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2018-1-10-33
The article describes both the transformation and the invariance of the “New Year” holiday and of its attributes. The empirical material of the study was the textbooks published in Soviet and post-Soviet Armenia and Russia. The choice of the empirical material was determined by the consideration that textbooks, especially the ones published in totalitarian and authoritarian states, are the indicators of political change since the education system is the most dependent upon the political field. The analysis of the empirical material testified to the fact that in the selected texts Santa Claus manifests itself in multiple roles: the evil, Frost punisher, the gift-giver, the wise old man who knows the cyclic order of seasons, the bearer of folk wisdom, the demiurge, and the one fulfilling the function of decoration of winter nature. The Snow Maiden in the educational materials of the Soviet and post-Soviet era is represented in the framework of folklore and is the “background” character of Santa Claus. In the educational materials of the Soviet era, the New Year tree decorations are featured as animals without any ideological value. Gastronomic decorations-gifts in the Soviet era were utilitarian in their nature and were the signs of “abundance” of the epoch; they were given to children as gifts for holidays. New Year tree decorations of the post-Soviet era are mainly visualized in the style of minimalism and in geometric shapes. The most distinctive feature of the post-Soviet textbooks is the presence of vividly expressed Christian motifs in the Armenian textbooks and their absence in the Russian textbooks.
Keywords: New Year, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, New Year tree decoration, New Year tree, Christmas tree as a kind of holiday, holiday and leaders of the proletariat, Soviet textbooks, post-Soviet textbooks, microhistory
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 10 — 33
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