DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2017-2-79-91
The paper is concerned with the theoretical field of urban philosophy regarding its terminological and conceptual development. Numerous cultural analyses of the historical and modern city text allow to draw a conclusion that the city space in structure of a civilization has an own synergetic existence, i.e. ability to generate cultural energy and to make her exchange with other systems of human society in the course of his evolution. The similar assumption allows to allocate limits of the term “urbanistics” as the certain area of a philosophical research and to define it as the multidimensional semiotics object having strong interpretation potential. The position of urbanistics in a philosophical view establishes intrinsic approach to intellectually level of the city space that develops the movement of sense in the cultural text between a form and its significance. One of the main gnoseological tools of philosophical knowledge is the categorical framework. The purpose of this work is an opportunity to define the new philosophical and theoretical directions in categorial system of urbanistics. The philosophical structure of the categorial apparatus of urbanistics is being formulated. The substantial philosophy of R. Descartes serves as intellectual model for system creation of categorial hierarchy. This study at inclusion of hermeneutical and dialectic methods has found out that in general the urban text can be represented in two forms – an extended, encompassing the space of visual semiotics, and a mental, endowing with perpetual cultural meanings every element of urban ontology. The interrelation of two specified forms reflects the dialectic union forming the hypertext of city space and demands further conceptual expansion in structure of a philosophical research.
Keywords: city structure, conceptual model, conceptual categorical apparatus, semiotics, substance, philosophical urbanistics
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 79 — 91
Downloads: 1126