The article considers the drawing Pictish Warrior by John White, an English artist of the XVI century, representing a native of ancient Britain. The drawing reflected contemporary ideas on national self-identification, belonging to the supporters of two different views on the British past. Supporters of the first view based their opinion mainly on the medieval History of Kings of Britain by Geoffrey of Monmouth, in which such legendary leaders, as King Arthur and Brennius, were represented as the founders of empires and rivals of Ancient Rome. The second view on the British past was presented by historians of the so-called School of antiquaries who proceeded mainly from the analysis of historical antique texts and the remained ancient monuments. The analysis of the image created by John White shows that the drawing has been executed primarily under the influence of the School of antiquaries. However, White also paid attention to the views of the medieval version supporters, trying to glorify his image and establish close connection between it and the images of Ancient Rome.
Keywords: Renaissance culture, John White, Geoffrey of Monmouth, William Camden, Roman Britain
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 71 — 81
Downloads: 937