The phenomenon of social practices and paternity comprehended in the context of a change of philosophical paradigms are considered. The “traditional” and “absence” fatherhood is examined by the author as a consequence of the binary conceptualization of gender in the classical philosophical discourse. An interpretation of the Universe throughout opposition to each other of the different aspects of reality (spiritual / physical, sensible / sensory, transcendent / immanent, etc.) is closely related with the existence in the cultural space of an ideal of estranged, rational father-man focused on out of family self-realization. Modern transformation of the father image, the appearance of “entrained” paternity trend are considered as a specific cultural implication of overcoming dualistic principle in modern philosophical ontology and anthropology. Display of photographs named “Fatherhood as a measure of a man” is conceptualized in the article as visual proof of overcoming the classic style in philosophy.
Keywords: duality, binarity, masculinity, “absent father”, “traditional father”, “involved father”, “father’s revolution”
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 97 — 107
Downloads: 943