The problem of the semiotic correlation of body and clothes from the point of view of the implementation of power in interpersonal communication is investigated in this paper. The main functions of clothes – adaptation, identification, sovereignization and manipulation – are reviewed in the text. It is shown that the clothes acquire inverse character by manipulating; at the same time it become in means of influence and aggression’s tool, in the method of the conquest of another’s will. The body which is opened by means of clothes becomes a tradable commodity, and the way to move goods market, activating the mechanisms of seduction. In this context, a problem of women’s emancipation is formulated in a new way. Besides, themes of “scattered” power and semiotic mechanisms of its implementation in the culture are investigated. Semiotics of power implies, however, not only the direct but also the inverse power vector: clothes can express the internalization of norms and exteriorization of personal existential positions. Therefore, clothes are at the intersection of semantics and pragmatics. The vector of power, which is not only expressed, but also carried out through clothing in her relationship with the dressed / undressed body, depends on the fundamental pragmatic presupposition: either it is a vector of violence and the subordination of the will of others, or it is a vector of retention of their own and other people’s privacy norm, of self-organization and self-management norm.
Keywords: visual anthropology, visual semiotics, dress, power, manipulation, norm, visual expression, privacy border
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 34 — 46
Downloads: 1115