In this article the methodological aspects of the study of the place image are presented, the specific features of their formation are researched. Based on the review of the contemporary foreign and native literature, the specific features of quality and quantity methods in the branch of territorial marketing, place image policy and place branding are analyzed. A variety of research methods depicts a complex and interdisciplinary nature of the territory image policy research. The paper also shows the peculiarities of application of statistic, semantic and psychological methods of research. The image policy as a government strategy can be successfully implicated due to the usage of quality methods (interview, Delphi method, focus groups, the repertory grid technique) on the initial stage of creation of the place image and the usage of quantity methods (ranking, surveys, statistical methods) on further stages.
Keywords: place image, place image policy, methods, marketing, management
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 128 — 136
Downloads: 1229