The article is devoted to the history, content, and problems of actualization in modern culture rite of foot washing on Holy Thursday. Ritual plays gospel events of the Last Supper and is reborn in the liturgical practice of the Russian Orthodox Church at present. The article discusses the origin and history of the rite, as well as the specificity of its occurrence in the Jerusalem Church and in Russia. Analyzes the characteristics of the translation of spiritual values through the spatial icons in connection with the specific culture of the spoken word. Discusses the problems of actualization of spatial icons in cultures with extraordinary role of written discourse in connection with gradual increase of the detachment of parties from the meaning of the rite and its desacralization. It is concluded that spatial updating icons in modern conditions requires overcoming of man’s alienation from cultural phenomena, its status as a consumer of information, the transition from passive reception to active experience.
Keywords: rite of Foot washing, Orthodoxy, worship, spatial icon, the culture of spoken word, literary, written discourse, word, image.
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 54 — 70
Downloads: 1408