The article accentuated the problem of clarifying the meaning of the basic anthropological terms. Science сonvention in anthropological terminology is one of the conditions for the development of knowledge about a man, because it ensures the maintenance of a communicative nature of anthropology. An analytical approach is required to solve this problem. This approach takes into account the historical and cultural transformation of the meaning of the term, the impact of the context of its use on its value. The article analyzes one of the key anthropological terms: “personality”. The author finds that the term was originally associated with visual semantic connotations that persist or evolve along with the development of anthropological reflection. Thus, in the ancient culture the word πρόσωπον depending on the time, the circumstances and the context means the following: 1) an appearance; 2) a face; 3) a mask; 4) a character; 5) a role; 6) an actor. The Latin persona has these meanings. In the Christian culture, this word loses its “theatrical” meaning. Token of the term πρόσωπον are now concentrated around the two semantic points: a) an appearance; b) a particular subject (“who”). The shift in emphasis from the “person-mask” for “person-hypostasis” reflects a radical transformation of thinking about a man associated with the transfer from ancient cosmological paradigm for Christian personalist platform on the basis of which a person as visible acquires a special existential depth and unique value.
Keywords: anthropology, term, meaning, personality, visual aspects
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 28 — 53
Downloads: 1188