The author offers for readers a review of the recently published book by Oleg Voskoboynikov “Millennial Kingdom” (Moscow, 2014). The methodology, based on which the author of the monograph investigates of European culture of the Middle ages, is considered. The specificity of the organization of the text is defined: the combination of encyclopedic knowledge and the author’s narrative. It is shown how the author of reviewed book interprets the meaning and function of the middle Ages artworks, regularly emphasizing the relationship of visual images with the fundamental characteristics of human existence and human consciousness. Actuality of Voskoboynikov’s book is argued in terms of the development of art history and in the field of modern methodology of the human sciences.
Keywords: anthropology, semiotics, history of culture, fine arts, Middle Ages, monograph, book review
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Issue: 2, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 4
Rubric: REVIEW
Pages: 12 — 28
Downloads: 1105