The paper deals with the problems of bringing sense into political communication that is performed in semiotic understandable language of monumental sculpture. The core of such a communication is to construct the semantic world that acquired a linguistic form of heroic political myth in our political culture. But J. Derrida’s method allows us to confirm that during the institutionalization of visual images the deconstruction of Russia as a sign takes place. In the paper some examples of this kind of “game” of political symbolics are given. In general, there are two main visual forms of monumental designation of Russia: these are the heroic symbolization of political power and the implementation of “national unity idea”. Both forms demonstrate the deconstruction of the sign “Russia” in text and in context sense. As a consequence visual phenomena have lost namely the communicative properties
Keywords: deconstruction, visual political communication, language of monumental sculpture, semantic world, difference, text, context, sign, Russia.
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Issue: 1, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 43 — 50
Downloads: 1265