The paper raises the problem of the return to basic constructs and patterns of thinking that have been developed at the time in the classical philosophy from ancient authors. These schemes and implementation of constructs suggested phenomenological shift, that is, opening the bottom of things, the whole world, the formation of such vision, which would allow to see the world as it is. In the nonclassical case the phenomenon transformed forms raises the problem of inaccessibility of the world as it is and the need to overcome this secrecy. The idea of visualization as a phenomenological shift and body building vision are introduced. The author provides examples from the history of culture, showing different views of the phenomenon in different authors. The author introduces the concept of visualization and phenomenological shift in the broader context antropopractice, architectonic construction of personality.
Keywords: phenomenon, visualization, phenomenological shift, architectonics of personality, phenomenon of personality, organon of personality
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Issue: 1, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 21 — 28
Downloads: 1175