In this article it’s going to be revealed, using philosophy (in particular using comparative analysis techniques), the relation between death visualization in medicine and death visualization in art as aspect of building symbolical death overcoming models with forces of art and science. There are two types of the sign situations displaying options of death overcoming by the person: they are scientific type (medicine) and cultural type (art, in particular the cinema). Two types of sign situations have being arising in the process of conflict between interpretations of death and life images that are generated in popular mentality of the modern person. Medical overcoming of death is illusory precisely as cinematic overcoming is, because the death is actually irresistible. The general conclusion of this article is the statement that the death phenomenon presented within philosophical and semiotics interpretation of cinema and medicine, in all contradictions, demands the further analysis in the direction of philosophical an- thropology and culture philosophy. It will allow to understand sociocultural appearance mechanisms of basic human’s behavior understanding models and also to extract the annexation chances of those models to various fields of culture and society.
Keywords: death, sign situations, medicine, cinema, zombie, philosophy
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Issue: 2, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 110 — 117
Downloads: 1466