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1 | The article deals with the problem of cybersemiotics of the analysis of educational data and human development data in digital educational environments. In the context of the formation of anthropological ideas about the learner as a subject of activity and the implementation of project-oriented education, the cybernetics of digital educational platforms remains in the logic of “didactics of object learning” and does not sufficiently contribute to the logic of “didactics of the development of the subject of cognition and activity”. The cybernetics of digital educational environments determines the cybersemiotics of educational data analysis: the pedagogical meaning and pedagogical tasks of development are often constructed in distorted optics in relation to a developing person. In the conditions of digital educational platforms and data analytics in digital environments as special cybersemiotic systems, a request is being formed for conceptual approaches that allow social research, technological programming, and pedagogical design of developing, learning environments. The aim of the research presented in the article is to study the semiosis of the analysis of educational data and data on human development in digital educational environments. The research was carried out in two aspects: the technological aspect – the study of digital artificial intelligence (AI) services on educational platforms of Russian education; the pedagogical aspect – the study of data competencies of teachers in working with the semiotics of data analysis in education. The article reveals how cybersemiotic AI systems of digital educational platforms (these systems are based on the concept of the pragmatic function in visual semiotics semiotics) become the object of management, the object of pedagogical analysis, the object of technological development in the design of digital artificial intelligence services of digital educational platforms, and the object of procurement for the development of digital educational environments. The study is significant for the development of the theory and practice of digital didactics and the methodology of cybersemiotics of digital educational environments. The prospects of the research are the development of a conceptual adjustment of cybersemiotic systems of AI services for data analysis in the context of the National Data Management System development. Keywords: educational data analysis, digital educational platforms, digital educational environments, artificial intelligence (AI) services for educational data analysis, semiotic data analysis of human development and quality of education | 674 | ||||
2 | The results of a study are characterized -- cognitive visualizations of big data based on the materials of digital footprints of student project communities’ activities on the creation of knowledge in education . The presentation of these results in combination with the subject of the study – the specified footprints – is the basis for the relevance of the paradigm of visual semiotics to the tasks of this project. The development of the interdisciplinary Science of Team Science field of knowledge is based on the developments and research of project teams as creators of new knowledge. Such studies use methods of network analysis of big data of project team members as cognitive activity footprints. Agents of new knowledge (conductors of new ideas) and knowledge attractors – meaning-forming units of information developed by followers of the agent of new knowledge – are identified. Experiments on studying the agency of new knowledge were conducted on the platforms of Wiki libraries, in studies of scientific citation of new knowledge on the publication platforms eLIBRARY, Scopus, Web of Science, but the question of studying student project teams jointly developing new technological products on the platform of university technological entrepreneurship – Univertechpred – has not been raised. The need for such a study is due to the fact that didactic forms of work with students’ project-based knowledge are institutionalized through federal projects of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: “startup as a diploma”, “platform of university technological entrepreneurship”. However, the nature of student project teams’ activities on creating new knowledge and technological products has not been explored. The study used SNA (Social Network Analysis) methods, through which the density, intensity, and spatial coordination of social connections in the network (on the digital platform the student project team works) are analyzed. The aim of the study is to examine the cognitive mechanisms of student project communities’ activity in working with knowledge systems. In the study, as the main source of big data for analyzing the activities of student project teams to create new knowledge and new technologies, footprints of digital searches by students for patent analogues (on the platforms of Rospatent, the Moscow Innovation Cluster) were used to develop projects presented on the platform of university technological entrepreneurship. Also, based on big data methods, digital footprints of the authors-creators of the electronic program code for the functioning of the developed student projects were studied. The study was conducted on the GitHub platform, which has the ability to store the project repository and all its changes. The big data method was also used to study digital footprints of authors of educational courses in the network repositories of the open digital educational platform SkillSpace – the network cognitive activity of youth teams to create educational online courses on the open platform was studied. All of the above digital platforms have interactive services for organizing activities to create new knowledge, a technological product of a student project team. The study revealed that the clustering indicator of big data in the form of digital footprints of student project communities characterizes the degree of interaction between the interdisciplinary neighbors of the considered agent of new knowledge. For the development of digital educational environments (DEE) of universities, the results of the study indicate the need to integrate digital services for organizing student teamwork for specific educational, research and project tasks into universities’ DEE. The study of the practices of student project communities with various knowledge systems ((a) research knowledge in the form of articles on Wiki platforms; (b) knowledge about intellectual products in the form of patent archives on WIPO platforms; (c) knowledge of AI (artificial intelligence) codes in the form of Program-Code in source code editor applications) revealed the specifics of the practices of student project communities with knowledge of various types. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that big data technologies have a significant potential in the study of project teams creating new knowledge on digital platforms. The results of the study are theoretically significant for the development of scientific fields – information anthropology, pedagogical semiotics, cybernetics of digital educational environments, cognitive science. The practical significance of the study is related to the applicability of the identified characteristics of the activities of student project teams (startup developers) in educational practice. Keywords: big data, cognitive networks, knowledge management, network analysis, project communities, digital platforms, digital footprints | 339 |