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1 | The article is devoted to the main features of young scientists' views about science in the conditions of transformation of the social and cultural environment of modern cities. In the context of implementing "smart cities" projects, it is vital to consider not only the issues of their technological equipment but, first of all, the formation of a distinctive social and cultural scientific environment. The author notes that semiotic effects of both self-presentation of science in one's environment and presentation and representation of this sphere in society have a significant impact on the formation of images of science perception. Especially among young scientists who, due to their age, remain representatives of a particular group of society, but also begin to identify themselves consciously as members of the professional scientific community. It is up to young scientists to build a "visual anthropology" and shape the future space of modern cities. It is noted that the most important role in the formation of public ideas about science is played by the channels of popularization and scientific communication, the development of which in recent years allows us to talk about the communication space in which young scientists form their ideas. The article presents the results of a sociological study conducted in 2019 among the scientific youth of the Central and Siberian districts, designed to identify how the youngest cohort of scientific youth (from 18 to 35 years old) “sees” science, how it perceives its role in its living space, how the image of science in Russia is characterized for them, whether its image is attractive or not. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is a political-psychological approach included formalized interviews and the method of unfinished sentences. The interview materials were subjected to quantitative processing and qualitative analysis. In accordance with the political-psychological approach, the content of young scientists' ideas about science was examined, their cognitive complexity and emotional sign were determined. The study showed the importance of significant judgments and stereotypes, as well as motivational attitudes and professional requests of this group in the context of individual large branches of scientific knowledge. It is concluded that the formation of the living space of a «smart» city is impossible without the development of human capital, serious work with young scientists (including socio-humanities) who will participate in the formation of a full-fledged urban infrastructure of knowledge in a meaningful way, and develop the sociocultural role of science as a certain type of specific activity in the formation of the living environment of cities. Keywords: «Smart» city, science, young scientists, sociocultural, political-psychological approach | 1026 |