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1 | The article describes the typical features of modern popular culture: the dominance of the hyper-real object, simulation, replication, visual representation. Some of the most common critical judgments about the nature and functions of popular culture are analyzed. It is shown that production of simulacra and of hyper-real objects can be connected with the ways of production of popular forms of social and cultural existence rather than with the implementation of escapist attitudes and replacing of reality with its counterfeits. Therefore, it should be assumed that hyper-real objects do not deny the reality as such, but only its forms that have lost their efficiency, cultural significance and value in the eyes of the community or its individual groups. It is shown that the foundation and the source of the typical features of popular culture should be connected with the demand and wish for visual ization. It is argued that it is not due to the primitiveness of the consumer or an escape to the world of illusions, but to the need for the desired fullness of feeling and suitable models of understanding the world, as well as schemes for organizing and managing one’s actions. In these terms, replication should be interpreted as a way of establishing and maintaining stability, balance, completeness of theclaimed cultural and social space. Keywords: popular culture, mass culture, simulacrum, hyper-reality, replication, visual representation | 1526 | ||||
2 | The article analyzes the potential and prospects of “cancel culture” in assessing the place and role of family values in modern society and proposes a version for developing a methodology for their research. To solve this problem, the results achieved in the research and journalistic literature in the discussion and understanding of this rather controversial topic were characterized. It is assumed that the basic target of “cancel culture” is the recovery of violated social justice, namely, in the form of sexism, heterosexism, homophobia, racism, bullying and certain forms of harassment, in relation to objects that are not capable of resistance for one reason or another; the object is, as a rule, significant persons, their statements or actions, or certain sociocultural products; and the tools of implementation are certain forms of disapproval used, according to supporters of “canceling”, due to the ineffectiveness of traditional mechanisms. Based on the results of the analysis, an assessment was made of critical arguments made on “cancel culture” in mostly journalistic literature. The thesis about the suppression of freedom of speech as an essential characteristic of “canceling” is called into question. The predominance of a critical attitude, also characteristic of Russian authors, prompted a closer analysis of texts with a positive assessment, and the conclusions that are drawn in them. It is argued that the key purpose of “cancel culture” is rather to create a sense of responsibility. Based on the understanding of the texts, a theoretical and methodological framework was developed that could become productive in characterizing both “cancel culture” and objects that are or can be canceled. In particular, a methodology is proposed for assessing objects’ symbolic status and interpretation. It is argued that it is based on an interpretation of the movement of modern society towards increased diversity, which implies a refusal to apply unified interpretations and explanations to its different segments. As a result, an attempt was made to apply the results obtained to the analysis of “family values” by thematizing them in specific historical and social conditions, which made it possible to develop a methodology for their analysis, in particular, in the direction of defining and selecting indicators of these concepts for subsequent empirical research. It is concluded that even the preservation of the traditional set of such values suggests that they can (a) have different significance and different values for different individuals; (b) have different interpretations, the most typical versions of which should be reflected; (c) give rise to various and, above all, negative consequences; (d) assume a different normative ideal in the interpretation of the so-called “good family”. Keywords: cancel culture, gender issues, family values, culture of responsibility, convergent culture, new ethics, symbolic objects | 94 |