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1 | This article discusses some aspects of constructing the cinema novel in Polish cinematography at the period of its formation, that is the late 1950s and the early 1960s. The main task is to show the specificity of cinema novel from the different points of view, as from the author and from the character, taking into account the fact that the form of cinema novel has been transforming, modifying its internal principles. The author detects the specificity of the character’s image, that exists as an independent unit, however, is reflected in the other characters. It is proved that this way to showing film material is necessary for reveal diversity and ambiguity of seemingly the same situations and phenomena. Keywords: new film reality, cinematography of life, prevailing theme, semantic nuance | 1104 | ||||
2 | In this article the author makes an attempt to trace the spiritual and creative components of Pasolini and Mandelstam worldview, explicate identical patterns in its construction. Careful attention to detail and things, including them in imaging system of verse, animation of the material world and sacrificial attitude toward death unites these two poets, despite the difference of time and language. Keywords: infantilism, the absurdity of existence, world of things, paradoxes of the mind, the search for meaning, intuitive insight, finding the highest point | 1039 |