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1 | The study defines the archetypal meaning of the house (in the classical and the Jungian sense), as an architectural object with aesthetic, psychological and narrative functions, in the scenographies of Andrei Tarkovsky, and oversees the functioning mode and the semantic enrichment of this archetype in the economy of the films. These functions of the house are put in relation with the narrative functions of the main characters, in order to reveal the fundamental role of the house as a temple or a space consecrated to the meeting and communicating between man and God. Keywords: archetype; sacred space; dome-shaped space; space open to infinity; thaboric space; house of the soul | 2230 | ||||
2 | The study presents the main concepts of Parajanov’s cinematic poetics, which is deeply bound with the filmmaker’s Weltanschauung: a mixture of ancient, medieval and modern civilizational models, of Oriental and Western, Christian, Islamic and pagan patterns of behaviour, of mythic-archaic, soviet and postmodern anthropological models, that melt together in harmony only in the unique topos of Transcaucasia. Keywords: immersion into myth, language of stage convention, Byzantine man, the invisible war, postmodernism, cinegenic arche-types, sacred in motion, cinematic archeography | 1368 |