DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2022-1-75-89
The article is dedicated to the possibilities of studying the axiological attitude towards the urban environment on the basis of user-generated content in social networks. The visual image of the city in the context of digital footprints is considered to be a cognitive model of the urban environment, which reflects interpretative and projective constructions – subjective ideas about the environment loci that become adopted “places” and express certain axiological attitudes and expectations of individuals. The article shows that the content of social networks implements, first of all, a communicative function – between users, and between them and the city itself. Interpersonal communication and communication with the city are conditions for constructing personal identity and for the city existence and change. The city exists, in particular, as an urban identity, in forms of adopted places of urban space. The described tendency of the urban environment appropriation is quite clearly expressed in the visual materials of urban communities, which appear as a new and significant phenomenon. The analysis of user-generated content in social networks shows that photographs poorly represent the city dwellers’ vital values of everyday life, but they express their existential needs. The dominant value-semantic meaning of the urban environment is its ability to be developed and appropriated by a person
Keywords: city image, axiological analysis, urban environment, social networks
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 75 — 89
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