DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2020-1-47-57
The article aims to investigate if there are possibilities to put questions of image beyond the field of the visual. Considering the sonic matter as a complementary source of images, the author demonstrates, on the one hand, the dependence of sound studies on visual studies. It can be seen in methodology that uses a pair of terms ‘hearing / listening’, ‘audible / unaudible’ similar to ‘look / regard’, ‘visible / invisible’, as well as in expansion of the subject field by including examples of dealing with sound beyond the frame of classical music theory. On the other hand, ecologically charged sound studies developing out of communication with visual studies, that equate a human listener with any object standing in the way of sound waves, diminish the possibility to speak about image. These studies emphasize the main characteristics of the impact of the sonic – immersion and immediacy, but at the same time accentuate the absence of tensions and specific constellations, the result of which could be an image. Contrary to the latter, Hunter Noack’s actions exemplify by means of a “natural” artistic gesture the opening of different sense perceptions one to the other in their generative functions to flash images.
Keywords: image, sound image, sound studies, ecology, noise, immersion, constellation, music.
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 47 — 57
Downloads: 867