DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2019-4-172-193
One of the essential features of education is emphasized in the article: a person’s adaptation to the symbolism of social reality. The modern transformation of social reality is accompanied by educational experiments made by leading universities. The combination of social and educational transformations, which is expressed in two experiments, is subjected to semiotic diagnostics. The substantiation of semiotic diagnostics is based on the interpretation of information characteristics as criteria for the self-organization of complex open systems. This substantiation is obtained within the framework of natural philosophy and is overcome based on bioethics, namely, on the interpretation of bioethics as discursive symbolism, in which the approach of interpretation of invariant rules from the perspective of variable and situational personal preferences has been tested. The procedures for semiotic diagnostics include: (1) elucidation of all “symptoms”, that is, the set of signs that are present in the analyzed effect; (2) elucidation of “syndromes”, that is, operators selected to implement the goals of the participants of the analyzed effect; (3) clarification of the goals that form the analyzed effect; (4) juxtaposition of the “anamneses” of the analyzed effects to clarify the precedents (if any) of the studied situation. Procedures show: (1) the semantics of the effect, (2) the syntax of the effect, (3) the pragmatics of the effect, and (4) the “diagnosis” itself. The limits for applying the developed procedures are determined. The requirement to formalize the manifestation of the effect in a four-dimensional space is assigned to the applicability limits. Models of bioethics and paradigms of education exist in such a space. The innovations presented by the Minerva Schools and the project (referred to as Janus in the article) of Stanford University are subjected to semiotic diagnostics. These projects represent an education-travel, exclusive in speed, which connects cultural landscapes with different “climatic” modes of cognitive management. Its purpose is to gain wisdom (rather than knowledge), expressed in acquiring a combination of experience in independent generation of knowledge and experience in the implementation of this knowledge in different socio-cultural contexts. The diagnosis is given in the title of the article.
Keywords: semiotic diagnostics, procedures of semiotic diagnostics, information characteristics, efficiency, self-organization phases, positions of bioethics, visualization technologies in education
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 172 — 193
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