DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2019-4-194-205
People are compelled to change their approach to education because of the current trends: the uncertainty in the world of the future occupations, the idea of education throughout life, education for the purpose of personal growth. These trends allow one to navigate in a rapidly changing world and to easily learn a new specialization; they force a person to receive a more “extensive” education, on the one hand, and a more “compact” education, on the other. In any case, in a short period of time, a person needs to learn a large amount of information, to acquire new skills. It is necessary to use time effectively. Therefore, it becomes very important to increase the effectiveness of education, the methods of transmission and perception of information that must be learned. All this together makes it appropriate to use educational technologies related to personality development and students’ active inclusion in the educational process. The complex of these factors requires the creation of study kits that would competently organize visual education on the basis of neuroscience research. Semiotic diagnostics of these kits shows how to correctly combine and use them without harm to the individual, taking into account the physiological, cultural characteristics, and personal needs. For effective training, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the brain, the individual needs of a person, especially the transmission and perception of information. The purposeful organization of the educational process is the embodiment of knowledge about how the brain learns: writing lecture notes by hand, the need for periodic repetition of information. Modern man’s overload with information makes them return to reading paper books, writing lecture notes on paper, using markers and studying in a library for successful effective learning. Visual information is remembered better. Much of the information in the learning process is represented visually, at least in the form of lecture notes. Thus, it is relevant to determine the optimal ratio in the use of types of visual educational aids and study kits.
Keywords: semiotics diagnostics, neuroscience, neuropedagogy, synergetics, perception of visual information, education
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 194 — 205
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