The paper is devoted to problems of correlation between the Mughal allegorical portrait and its original source – the Persian poetic eulogy. The strategy of translation from the verbal language to the language of painting suggested different variations: a close adherence to the text by which the onomastical and phraseological units of panegyrical topics were reproduced literally on the visual level, and also associative abstracting by which individual motives and devices were applied and visualized indirectly through the significant attributes, recognizable hints, and the like. This article is intended only to sketch the basic lines of interaction between different levels of reading of the Mughal visual panegyric and to show how the difficult task of visualization of literary conventions was solved on a practical level to glorify the king.
Keywords: visual panegyric, verbal panegyric, mughal painting, allegorical portrait, literary conventions, badshah Jahangir
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 97 — 114
Downloads: 1019